Monday, 22 March 2010

The beach

Somebody told us about it. It was hard to believe that still exists as Tailand is ful off turists. You get the feeling that half of the Germany and Sweden moved over here in this time of the year!
We checked it out and it is true.... little paradise with almost no people, electricity 4 hours per day, no cars, no motorbikes, but lots of crabs :)

One year away party!

Some sugar!


Our home

Big foot mama

Sun protection :)

Time to go.

Our bay

Bye bye little island, maybe we see you again sometime!


Špela said...

uaaaaaa..smrduha smotana!! čist mal bi še mogla ostat :)

Unknown said...

Benka Pulko je sla za 1 leto po svetu in se vrnila cez 2 leti in pol (se mi zdi)! Dalj sta odsotna, lepse slikce posiljata. Lep pozdrav iz faksa, v teh casih smo po TV in casopisih zelo zastopani... a kaj bereta?

Unknown said...

Zadnjic mi je Drobniceva kazala vetkote (ima jih ze za nekaj polic... po mojem ga dobi vsako leto od zacetka), ampak je rekla, da je taprvi-nasa ovcka najlepsi! In me sprasevala kje smo ga dobili. Kako sem se spomnila nate, Tina, the organizatorka.