Thursday, 11 February 2010

Mahout experience in Laos

As Spela really wanted to ride an elephant we decided for a little different version of doing that.

So, we went on a 2 day Mahout course (Mahout is an elephant keeper, driver or handler). This is a conservation project, where they have elephants that were used for logging (which is now illegal in Laos). We would say those elephants have much better life :).

And if you ever find lost elephant in the Lao jungle, here are some words to use:


PAI SAI- left

PAI QUA- right

MAP LONG- sit down

HAO- stop

JA JA- don't do that

BUN BUN- spray water

It was an amazing experience......hope that our elephants enjoyed it as we did!

So here we are as Mahouts :)

Classic style

Mahout style

Who is having more fun?

Bathing time

No more bananas

Morning shower at 7 A.M.